IACM-Bulletin du 20 Mars 2020
IACM: 20ème Anniversaire de l’IACM
Il y a 20 ans, un petit cercle de personnes a fondé l’IACM en tant qu’Association for Cannabis as Medicine, plus tard renommée Association for Cannabinoid Medicines.
La 1ère conférence internationale de l’IACM sur les cannabinoïdes en médecine, qui s’est tenue à Berlin en 2001 avec l’hôpital de la Charité et l’Association médicale de Berlin, a réuni 80 participants (scientifiques et médecins).
Aujourd’hui, l’IACM compte parmi ses membres les chercheurs et médecins les plus importants impliqués dans l’usage médical du cannabis et des cannabinoïdes. Alors que les premières conférences dans les universités ou dans les petits hôtels ont réuni pas plus de 150 participants et avaient un caractère familial. Désormais, le nombre de participants a considérablement augmenté ces dernières années, plus récemment à environ 450. Pour la première fois, la durée du congrès a été prolongée de 2 à 3 jours.
IACM: Conférences
Le conseil d’administration de l’IACM veut faire des conférences IACM les conférences les plus importantes sur le cannabis et les cannabinoïdes en médecine. Un bon moyen de le faire est de passer à des conférences annuelles et de travailler avec un organisateur de conférence professionnel, Congrex.
L’IACM tiendra sa 11ème conférence sur les cannabinoïdes en médecine à Mexico du 7 au 9 novembre 2020. Notre partenaire du congrès est l’Asociacion Mexicana de Medicina Cannabinoide (Association mexicaine des cannabinoïdes en médecine). Cette association a déjà organisé un congrès très fréquenté au Mexique en 2019. Ce sera le premier congrès de l’IACM en dehors de l’Europe.
La 12ème Conférence de l’IACM sur les cannabinoïdes en médecine se tiendra à Bâle, en Suisse, du 14 au 16 octobre 2021. Notre partenaire de coopération est le Groupe de Travail Suisse sur les Cannabinoïdes en Médecine (SACM). La SACM organise avec succès des congrès scientifiques en Suisse depuis plusieurs années.
IACM: Webinaires
De plus, des webinaires doivent commencer cette année. Les conférenciers seront Ethan Russo, Donald Abrams, Manuel Guzman, Kirsten Müller-Vahl, Franjo Grotenhermen, Raphael Mechoulam et Daniele Piomelli. Ils vous permettront d’entendre des experts de premier plan sur des sujets importants, tout en profitant du confort de votre foyer.
IACM: Bulletin
Depuis 20 ans, le bulletin d’information gratuit de l’IACM, IACM-Bulletin, est publié toutes les deux semaines, actuellement en 6 langues. Pendant ce temps, une base de données complète de toutes les découvertes scientifiques, études cliniques et développements politiques pertinents dans divers pays a été créée. Le site Web fournit également des informations supplémentaires sur le sujet du cannabis et des cannabinoïdes en médecine.
IACM: Journaux
Il y a eu des tentatives d’établir un journal de l’IACM. En 2016 Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research (CCR), une revue en libre accès publiée par Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. et éditée par Daniele Piomelli, en partenariat avec l’IACM. En 2018, l’IACM a conclu un partenariat avec une autre revue, Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids, publiée par Karger Publishers Basel. Le rédacteur en chef est Rudolf Brenneisen.
En 2019, Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research est devenu le journal officiel de l’IACM.
https://home.liebertpub.com/publication … 3/overview
IACM: Conseil d’administration
Kirsten Müller-Vahl, Allemagne, 1ère présidente
Manuel Guzman, Espagne, 2e président
Franjo Grotenhermen, Allemagne
Roger Pertwee, Royaume-Uni
Ilya Reznik, Israël
Raquel Peyraube, Uruguay
Bonni Goldstein, États-Unis
Debra Kimless, États-Unis
Francisco Guimaraes, Brésil
Daniele Piomelli, États-Unis
Anciens présidents de l’IACM
Franjo Grotenhermen (2000-2003)
Raphael Mechoulam (2003-2005)
Roger Pertwee (2005-2007)
Kirsten Müller-Vahl (2007-2009)
Ethan Russo (2009-2011)
William Notcutt (2011-2013)
Daniela Parolaro (2013-2015)
Mark Ware (2015-2017)
Manuel Guzman (2017-2019)
IACM: Félicitations
Mahmoud A. ElSohly, Research Professor and Professor of Pharmaceutical and Drug Delivery, National Centre of Natural Products Research, School of Pharmacy, School of Mississippi, USA
(…) In the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the International Association for Cannabinoid Medicines (IACM), I want to take the opportunity to congratulate you and all members of the IACM for 20 years of inspiring and world-class work aimed at advancing the field of cannabis and cannabinoids research. I joined the IACM in 2003 to explore this new organisation in the field that I chose to explore in my career. What a wise and rewarding choice it was. I have attended just about every meeting of the Association and in 2015, I had the honor of being presented the Special Award for Major Contributions to the Re-introduction of Cannabis as a medicine by Dr Grotenhermen himself. What a honour. I now always look forward to the next meeting and the opportunity to learn and to meet so many leaders in the field of cannabinoids research that I so much respect and admire. (…)
Roger Pertwee, Emeritus Professor, School of Medical Sciences Institute of Medical Sciences University of Aberdeen Foresterhill, Scotland, UK
I was delighted and felt enormously honoured to receive the Special Award of the International Association of Cannabinoid Medicines (IACM) at its 2013 meeting “for major contributions to the re-introduction of cannabis as a medicine”. (…) In addition, its meetings, its website and the IACM bulletin that is produced two or three times a month, provide a very effective and much needed means of educating physicians, patients and carers of patients about the actual and potential therapeutic uses of cannabis and cannabinoids. I know all this not least because I have attended every meeting of the IACM, including its first meeting in 2001, have served as the 2005 to 2007 IACM Chairman, and have been a member of the IACM board of directors for several years. Very importantly, the success of the IACM is and always has been due largely to its founder and executive director, Dr Franjo Grotenherman, who is a world-renowned clinical expert on cannabis and cannabinoid-based medicines, and who devotes an enormous amount of time and effective effort to the running of the IACM, including the organization of its meetings and the production of its bulletins. In conclusion, I wish the IACM a very happy 20th Birthday and as well as all the very best for its upcoming years.
Donald Abrams, Professor, Department of Medicine, Integrative Oncologist, UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, San Francisco, USA
Happy 20th IACM. Thanks for two decades of being at the forefront of cannabinoid education, providing clinicians and investigators with a convivial forum for networking, sharing and moving our maturing field forward. May we continue to grow and thrive in the upcoming decade, learning more about the therapeutic potential of the plant and its constituents to benefit patients worldwide.
Ricardo Navarrete-Varo, MD
Happy 20th birthday! It has been a real pleasure and pride to belong during all these years to one of the organizations that has contributed most to the reintroduction of cannabis and its derivatives in medicine, of such a high human and professional level. Special thanks to the person in charge, Dr. Franjo Grotenhermen, and a loving memory to those who were left behind, especially Dr. Ester Fride and Dr. Richard Musty.
Vincenzo Di Marzo, PhD,Research Director at the Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry of the National Research Council (ICB-CNR) in Pozzuoli, Naples, Italy
“For 20 years the International Association for Cannabinoid Medicines, through its several conferences, publications and divulgation activities, has provided an indispensable forum for the critical discussion of the potential therapeutic applications of cannabis and cannabinoids, at the ideal cross-roads between basic and clinical research. Although I have not always been able to be active part of this organization, I immensely appreciate the role that IACM has played, and will continue to play, in the advancement of what is nowadays not only a field of research for me and many other colleagues, but also and foremost a real opportunity for the development of new medicines.”
Ethan Russo, MD, Founder/CEO of CReDO Science cannabisresearch.org
The International Association for Cannabinoid Medicines marks its 20th anniversary in 2020. For two decades, IACM has been at the forefront of medical education on the clinical applications for cannabis, the most useful of medicinal plants. I am proud to have been a member of the organization, an awardee and former chairman of this organization that has done so much to clarify the role of cannabis in therapeutics.
Mario van der Stelt, Professor and Chair of Molecular Physiology, Leiden Institute of Chemistry Gorlaeus Laboratory, Leiden, The Netherlands
It is with great pleasure that I congratulate you and the board on the 20th anniversary of the
Internati ist könnte man natürlich Pittsburgh machen hier onal Association for the Cannabinoid Medicines (IACM). Since its inception the IACM has
advocated a science-based approach to study the medicinal effects of cannabinoids and the
endocannabinoid system. Providing reliable, evidence-based information to patients and the general
public about the potential therapeutic and adverse effects of (medicinal) cannabis was and will remain an important goal of the association. I wish you and the IACM success in this endeavor and many more successful meetings.
Mauro Maccarrone, Professor and Chair Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Department of Medicine – Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Italy
In one week we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the International Association for Cannabinoid Medicines (IACM), and I like to congratulate very much indeed with you on this major achievement. To all those involved (or simply interested) in cannabinoid and endocannabinoid research IACM has represented from the very beginning a reliable source of information, and a reference where to look for contacts and cross-fertilizations with colleagues from all over EURope, and beyond. Since my first participation in IACM conferences, I’ve admired your energy in pursuing initiatives such as publishing the IACM Bulletin (also translated in 7 different languages), organizing a yearly international meeting (always well-attended by professionals and lay people), awarding distinguished scientists for their contributions to basic and clinical science, as well as recognizing young researchers and outstanding leaders who advanced our knowledge in the field of cannabinoid medicines.
In 2007, I had myself the great pleasure and honour of receiving the IACM Award for Basic Research, with a laudatio by Ester Fride that I shall never forget. Few years later Ester sorrowly passed away, and the Award was named after her since then.
Franjo, let me take the liberty, also on behalf of our community, to thank you and the IACM Board for the impressive work that you have done for the field, and for establishing IACM as a compass to navigate the stormy sea of (endo)cannabinoid research.
Happy birthday, IACM, and good luck for the 20 years to come!
Un coup d’œil sur le passé
Il y a un an
Science/Homme: La consommation de cannabis est associée à une probabilité d’obésité plus faible chez les personnes en bonne santé
Science: Dégradation du THC sur une période de 4 ans dans différentes conditions de stockage
Il y a deux ans
Science/Homme: La consommation de cannabis a été associée à une réduction de la mortalité suite aux chirurgies orthopédiques
Science/Homme: Le Nabilone a amélioré l’appétit chez des patients cancéreux dans une étude clinique contrôlée
Catégorie : Actualités - 20 mars 2020 à 13:47