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Dernière modification par Rick (30 décembre 2018 à 21:58)
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Physical effects
Stimulation - In terms of its effects on physical energy levels, LSD is usually regarded as being very energetic and stimulating without being forced. For example, when taken in any environment it will usually encourage physical activities such as running, walking, climbing or dancing. In comparison, other more commonly used psychedelics such as psilocybin are generally sedating and sedentary.
Spontaneous bodily sensations - The "body high" of LSD can be described as prominent in comparison to its accompanying visual and cognitive effects. It behaves as a euphoric, fast-moving, sharp and location specific or generalized tingling sensation. For some, it is manifested spontaneously at different, unpredictable points throughout the trip, but for most, it maintains a steady presence that rises with the onset and hits its limit once the peak has been reached. At moderate to high doses of LSD, many users report that if this sensation hits its highest level it can become so pleasurable so as to immobilize the user.
Physical euphoria - This effect is not as reliably induceable as it is with substances like stimulants or entactogens, and can just as easily manifest as physical discomfort without any apparent reason.
Perception of bodily lightness - The stimulation and energy LSD produces can often lead one to feel as if they are moving weightlessly.
Tactile enhancement - Feelings of enhanced tactile sensations are consistently present at moderate levels throughout most LSD trips. If level 8A geometry is reached, an intense sensation of suddenly becoming aware of and being able to feel every single nerve ending across a person's entire body all at once is consistently present.
Changes in felt bodily form - This effect is often accompanied by a sense of warmth or unity and usually occurs during and up to the peak of the experience or directly afterward. Users can feel as if they are physically part of or conjoined with other objects. This is usually reported as feeling comfortable in its sensations and even peaceful, compared to other substances that induce this effect like salvia.
Temperature regulation suppression[31]
Increased bodily temperature[32] - Potentially dangerous states of overheating have been reported to occur in certain conditions, particularly with higher doses. Users are advised to monitor their core temperature and be cautious if taking LSD in hot or overcrowded outdoor environments.
Nausea - Mild nausea is occasionally reported when consumed in moderate to high dosages and either passes instantly soon after the user has vomited or gradually fades by itself as the peak sets in.
Bodily control enhancement
Stamina enhancement - This is generally mild in comparison to traditional stimulants.
Appetite suppression Dehydration Difficulty urinating Increased blood pressure[31] Increased heart rate[31] Increased perspiration Muscle contractions Muscle spasms
Excessive yawning - This effect is significantly less pronounced than it is with psilocybin and its related compounds, the four-position substituted tryptamines.
Pupil dilation[31]
Increased salivation Seizure[citation needed] - This is a rarely observed effect but is thought to occur in those who are predisposed to them, especially while in physically taxing conditions such as being dehydrated, undernourished, overheated, or generally fatigued.[citation needed]
Le LSD est un des psychés les plus lights au niveau physique, voire bénin pour des personnes en bonne santé physique et dans de bonnes conditions, certes. ...mais il a des effets quand même, hein^^ Après de là à savoir si ton pote serait safe ou pas bein, j'ai envie de dire qu'il part certainement avec une balle dans le pied à ce niveau malheureusement, mais n'étant pas médecin je peux pas aller plus loin dans le pronostique.
On a aucun cas documenté de décès lié au LSD dans l'Histoire, c'est plutôt encourageant mais ça ne veut pas dire pour autant que ce n'est pas dangereux... et dans le cas présent, je sais pas si ça l'est ou pas
Dernière modification par Morning Glory (30 décembre 2018 à 23:56)
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