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Dans du papier toilette ? À rouler tu veux dire ?
Tu peux aussi mettre la poudre dans un verre, de l'eau pétillante mélanger et cul sec !
80 en li je pense que ça devrait le faire, si tu n'as pas où faible tolérance.
Dans du papier toilette, vu que je n'ai pas de feuille a rouler mais je vais faire un tour au tabac je pense car le PQ ca fait vomir parfois
80 en LI donc je pense que ça devrait être correct
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Il est toujours préférable de pécher par excès de prudence en ce qui concerne les drogues, en particulier en ce qui concerne les médicaments pour la santé mentale et la santé comportementale.
Certains médicaments prescrits pour la santé mentale / comportementale ne sont pas très bien compris et la façon dont ils agissent et interagissent avec d'autres substances psychotropes n'est pas connue.
On sait aussi très peu de choses sur les mécanismes précis d'action, pharmacocinetiques et pharmacodynamiques du kratom. Il est vraiment difficile de dire ce qui aura et n'aura pas d'interactions. À partir d'une étude de cas sur les décès liés au kratom (Academic.oup.com/jat/article/39/2/152/763622), il existe de nombreuses causes possibles de décès.
En ce qui concerne l'inquiétude du syndrome sérotoninergique, on ne sait pas dans quelle mesure le kratom affecte réellement la sérotonine.
Si c'était vraiment un problème, les personnes utilisant des doses modérées à fortes de kratom montreraient des signes de maladie de sérotonine en le mélangeant avec du DXM (Dextromethorphan, médicament de classe Morphinan également connu sous le nom de Robotussin) qui module directement la sérotonine.
(nb= c'est le cas pour le DXM dangereux avec le Kratom)
La question a deja été posée sans réponse claire.
https://www.psychoactif.org/forum/t3902 … fexor.html
Mais le psychonautwiki donne des pistes
https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Kratom# … teractions
Dangerous interactions
Although many psychoactive substances are reasonably safe to use on their own, they can quickly become dangerous or even life-threatening when taken with other substances. The following lists some known dangerous combinations, but cannot be guaranteed to include all of them. Independent research should always be conducted to ensure that a combination of two or more substances is safe to consume. Some interactions listed have been sourced from TripSit.
Alcohol - Both substances potentiate the ataxia and sedation caused by the other and can lead to unexpected loss of consciousness at high doses. Place affected patients in the recovery position to prevent vomit aspiration from excess. Memory blackouts are likely
Amphetamines - Stimulants increase respiration rate which allows for a higher dose of opiates than would otherwise be used. If the stimulant wears off first then the opiate may overcome the user and cause respiratory arrest.
Benzodiazepines - Central nervous system and/or respiratory-depressant effects may be additively or synergistically present. The two substances potentiate each other strongly and unpredictably, very rapidly leading to unconsciousness. While unconscious, vomit aspiration is a risk if not placed in the recovery position blackouts/memory loss likely.
Cocaine - Stimulants increase respiration rate which allows for a higher dose of opiates than would otherwise be used. If the stimulant wears off first then the opiate may overcome the patient and cause respiratory arrest.
DXM - CNS depression, difficult breathing, heart issues, hepatoxic, just very unsafe combination all around. Additionally if one takes DXM, their tolerance of opiates goes down slightly, thus causing additional synergistic effects.
GHB/GBL - The two substances potentiate each other strongly and unpredictably, very rapidly leading to unconsciousness. While unconscious, vomit aspiration is a risk if not placed in the recovery position
Ketamine - Both substances bring a risk of vomiting and unconsciousness. If the user falls unconscious while under the influence there is a severe risk of vomit aspiration if they are not placed in the recovery position.
MAOIs - Coadministration of monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) with certain opioids has been associated with rare reports of severe and fatal adverse reactions. There appear to be two types of interaction, an excitatory and a depressive one. Symptoms of the excitatory reaction may include agitation, headache, diaphoresis, hyperpyrexia, flushing, shivering, myoclonus, rigidity, tremor, diarrhea, hypertension, tachycardia, seizures, and coma. Death has occurred in some cases.
MXE - This combination can potentiate the effects of the opioid
Nitrous - Both substances potentiate the ataxia and sedation caused by the other and can lead to unexpected loss of consciousness at high doses. While unconscious, vomit aspiration is a risk if not placed in the recovery position. Memory blackouts are likely.
PCP - PCP can reduce opioid tolerance, increasing the risk of overdose.
Tramadol - Concomitant use of tramadol increases the seizure risk in patients taking other opioids. These agents are often individually epileptogenic and may have additive effects on seizure threshold during coadministration. Central nervous system- and/or respiratory-depressant effects may be additively or synergistically present
voir aussi
https://www.reddit.com/r/kratom/comment … h_effexor/
https://drugs-forum.com/threads/kratom- … XreLodSNtw
A signaler une interaction avec le DXM qui pourrait etre d'ordre serotoninergique
https://www.reddit.com/r/kratom/comment … m_warning/
Dernière modification par prescripteur (16 janvier 2020 à 17:28)
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