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For therapeutic effects: There is strong evidence from randomized controlled
trials to support the conclusion that cannabis or cannabinoids are an effective or
ineffective treatment for the health endpoint of interest.
For this level of evidence, there are many supportive findings from good-quality
studies with no credible opposing findings. A firm conclusion can be made, and the
limitations to the evidence, including chance, bias, and confounding factors, can
be ruled out with reasonable confidence.
De nombreuses études confirmant les résultats venant d'études bien menées et pas de contre étude crédible.
Une conclusion ferme peut etre faite et des limitations (hasard, biais, facteurs de confusion) raisonnablement écartés.
For therapeutic effects: There is strong evidence to support the conclusion that
cannabis or cannabinoids are an effective or ineffective treatment for the health
endpoint of interest.
For this level of evidence, there are several supportive findings from good-
quality studies with very few or no credible opposing findings. A firm conclusion can
be made, but minor limitations, including chance, bias, and confounding factors,
cannot be ruled out with reasonable confidence.
Plusieurs études confirmant les résultats venant d'études bien menées et peu ou pas de contre étude crédible.
Une conclusion ferme peut etre faite mais des limitations (hasard, biais, facteurs de confusion) ne peuvent pas
etre totalement exclues.
For therapeutic effects: There is some evidence to support the conclusion that
cannabis or cannabinoids are an effective or ineffective treatment for the health
endpoint of interest.
For this level of evidence, there are several supportive findings from good- to
fair-quality studies with very few or no credible opposing findings. A general conclu-
sion can be made, but limitations, including chance, bias, and confounding factors,
cannot be ruled out with reasonable confidence.
Quelques études confirmant les résultats venant d'études bien ou correctement menées et peu ou pas de contre étude crédible.
Une conclusion générale peut etre faite mais des limitations (hasard, biais, facteurs de confusion) ne peuvent pas
etre raisonnablement exclues.
For therapeutic effects: There is weak evidence to support the conclusion that
cannabis or cannabinoids are an effective or ineffective treatment for the health
endpoint of interest.
For this level of evidence, there are supportive findings from fair-quality studies
or mixed findings with most favoring one conclusion. A conclusion can be made,
but there is significant uncertainty due to chance, bias, and confounding factors.
Quelques études confirmant les résultats venant d'études correctement menées et peu ou pas de contre étude crédible ou des résultats
mitigés mais la plupart supportent la conclusion.
Une conclusion peut etre faite mais il existe une incertitude sur des limitations (hasard, biais, facteurs de confusion).
For therapeutic effects: There is no or insufficient evidence to support the
conclusion that cannabis or cannabinoids are an effective or ineffective treatment
for the health endpoint of interest.
For this level of evidence, there are mixed findings, a single poor study, or
health endpoint has not been studied at all. No conclusion can be made because
of substantial uncertainty due to chance, bias, and confounding factors.
Il y a des résultats mitigés, une seule étude de mauvaise qualité ou des effets sanitaires non étudiés. On ne peut pas conclure
(ni positivement ni négativement) car il y a une trop grande incertitude sur l'effet du hasard, la présence de biais ou de facteurs de confusion..
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Vous serez certainement déçus car la liste n'admet pas certains effets thérapeutiques que certains articles modernes confirment largement.
Déçu, oui, mais pas surpris par contre. Cela reste une forme de négationnisme habituel en la matière et presque séculaire.
L'académie ricaine, c'est kif kif l'académie eud chez nous, cf Costentin et con sort...
Quand tu vois le potentiel du CBD utilisé seul... tu comprends les marchands de big pharma risquent de perdre énormément de parts de marchés.
Big pharma a réussi à presque totalement écarter le pavot, les opiacés... le cannabis avait déjà disparu de la pharmacopée depuis bien longtemps.
Dernière modification par Mister No (06 février 2018 à 22:00)
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* The evidence suggests that smoking cannabis does not increase the risk for certain cancers
(i.e., lung, head and neck)
in adults.
* There is modest evidence that cannabis use is associated with one subtype of testicular cancer.
* There is minimal evidence that parental cannabis use during pregnancy is associated with greater cancer risk in offspring.
* The evidence is unclear as to whether and how cannabis use is associated with heart attack, stroke, and diabetes.
* Smoking cannabis on a regular basis is associated with chronic cough and phlegm production.
* Quitting cannabis smoking is likely to reduce chronic cough and phlegm production.
* It is unclear whether cannabis use is associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, asthma,
or worsened lung function
* There exists a paucity of data on the effects of cannabis or cannabinoid-based therapeutics on the human immune
* There is insufficient data to draw overarching conclusions concerning the effects of cannabis smoke
or cannabinoids on immune competence.
* There is limited evidence to suggest that regular exposure to cannabis smoke may have anti-inflammatory activity.
* There is insufficient evidence to support or refute a statistical association between cannabis or cannabinoid use
and adverse effects on immune status in individuals with HIV
* Cannabis use prior to driving increases the risk of being involved in a motor vehicle accident.
* In states where cannabis use is legal, there is increased risk of unintentional cannabis overdose injuries among children.
* It is unclear whether and how cannabis use is associated with all-cause mortality or with occupational injury.
* Smoking cannabis during pregnancy is linked to lower birthweight in the offspring.
* The relationship between smoking cannabis during pregnancy and other pregnancy and childhood outcomes is unclear.
* Recent cannabis use impairs the performance in cognitive domains of learning, memory, and attention. Recent use may be defined as cannabis use within 24 hours of evaluation.
* A limited number of studies suggest that there are impairments in cognitive domains of learning, memory, and attention in individuals who have stopped smoking cannabis.
* Cannabis use during adolescence is related to impairments in subsequent academic achievement and education, employment and income, and social relationships and social roles.
Santé Mentale
* Cannabis use is likely to increase the risk of developing schizophrenia and other psychoses; the higher the use, the greater the risk.
* In individuals with schizophrenia and other psychoses, a history of cannabis use may be linked to better performance on learning and memory tasks.
* Cannabis use does not appear to increase the likelihood ofdeveloping depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder.
* For individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorders, near daily cannabis use may be linked to greater symptoms of bipolar disorder than for nonusers.
* Heavy cannabis users are more likely to report thoughts of suicide than are nonusers.
* Regular cannabis use is likely to increase the risk for developing social anxiety disorder.
Problemes liés à la consommation du cannabis
* Greater frequency of cannabis use increases the likelihood of developing problem cannabis use.
* Initiating cannabis use at a younger age increases the likelihood of developing problem cannabis use.
Cannabis use is likely to increase the risk for developing substance dependence (other than cannabis use disorder).
nb= il y a une relation mais il ne semble pas y avoir de relation de causalité prouvée.
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Dernière modification par Mister No (11 février 2018 à 06:28)
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En effet, l’Académie rappelle qu’en ce qui concerne l’état des connaissances relatives au cannabis et à ses constituants, aucun progrès significatif dans le domaine de leurs intérêts thérapeutiques allégués n’est apparu récemment, alors que les connaissances de leurs effets adverses se sont précisées et multipliées. L’évolution de la législation en faveur de leur inscription comme agents thérapeutiques ne semble pas justifiée pour des raisons pharmaco-thérapeutiques.
Non seulement les bénéfices potentiels du THC sont tous modestes, sans exception, mais on dispose de vrais médicaments plus efficaces pour chacun des bénéfices attendus. En revanche, les risques que fait courir le tétrahydrocannabinol / THC sont très nombreux, souvent graves et incompatibles avec un usage thérapeutique. Toutefois, on peut s’étonner, sur le plan pharmacologique, de voir associés le THC, dans une proportion mal justifiée, et le CBD, au mécanisme d’action incertain, afin d’amoindrir les méfaits du THC.
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Prescripteur a écrit
[...]voila ci dessous ce que dit l'Académie Française de Médecine.[...]
Petit conton a écrit
Sérieusement !?
Le cannabis à montrait sont efficacité dans bien des pathologies
Et celui si n'a pas tellement d'effets secondaires gênants
Je suis surpris d'un tel rapport
Perso, je suis tout sauf surpris :
> https://www.psychoactif.org/forum/t2428 … ml#p272507
Bien amicalement.
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