Hors ligne
En cas de surdosage (inhalation ou ingestion de 10 mL de poppers) :
Troubles de la conscience
Méthémoglobinémie sévère
https://www.rxlist.com/amyl-nitrite-dru … ndications
PRECAUTIONS: General - Tolerance to amyl nitrite may develop with repeated use of the drug for prolonged periods of time. Tolerance may be minimized by beginning with the smallest effective dose and alternating the drug with another coronary vasodilator.
High doses of nitrites may produce methemoglobinemia, especially in individuals with methemoglobin reductase deficiency or other metabolic abnormality that interferes with the normal conversion of methemoglobin back to haemoglobin.
Dernière modification par prescripteur (20 septembre 2020 à 09:10)
Hors ligne