Drugs and alcohol played a major role in the lives of the American soldiers during the Vietnam war. In the beginning of the war, marijuana was the main drug of choice. However, news that American soldiers were using drugs came back to the U.S., which resulted in immediate action by the military to suppress drugs, especially marijuana. After marijuana was banned, many soldiers turned to heroin in order to get their "high". Many soldiers enjoyed heroin better than marijuana because it sped up the perception of time, whereas marijuana slowed it down. Because marijuana, heroin, and alcohol were so abundant and inexpensive in Vietnam, veterans used them to ease the stress and sometimes to forget what they saw on the battlefield. As they returned to the states, drugs were not as easy to obtain. Some of the veterans were too young to legally buy alcohol. Other veterans actually stopped using drugs and alcohol, because it was hurting their marriage or relationships with others. These were usually the men who had left a stable home and were a little older. However, those young men who came back between the age of 19 and 23 had a much harder time adjusting to society. One of the tragic effects of the Vietnam drug situation was that some men were refused employment because they had served in Vietnam and employers considered this evidence of drug addiction. Since veterans had many problems adjusting to society, some continued to drink alcohol and do drugs not only to forget what they saw in Vietnam but to cope with the frustration and anguish of not being accepted into society.
Mortalite et stress post traumatique
Une vue très récente (avecIrak, Afghanistan etc..) dénonçant par exemple le fait que la VA (prise en charge des anciens combattants) ne rembourse pas les TSO !!!
http://www.drugpolicy.org/sites/default … inal_0.pdf
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