help newbie demande aide pour comprendre la K chimiquement...

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Inscrit le 19 Nov 2008
330 messages
En fait j'adore la K, mais j'écoutent jamais les soit disants noms style hoby one etc.... Je trouve qui a la k qui donne la sensation d'etre en étau, oppresé, et d'autres qui mettent en effervescence, genre aller devant le son les poings en l air, en mode je jump parce que j ai pas de courbature; c"est quel style de K qui fait ça? humaine? véto? indienne? perso j prefere pour grands mamifere....

une fois j ai entendu la ketamine c'est un sel...sur lucid state...j ai essayer de comprendre: la plupart des prod c'est un alcaloide fixé sur un sel: tartate de zolpi, sulfate de morph, chlorhydrate de coke... mais keta y a qu'un nom...??cC'est un sel?

si quelqu'un pouvait répondre et m expliquer "alcaloide" mais juste quel rapport avec la défonce? je peux les nommer mais je sais pas ce que c'est... sur sel etc, wikipédia ils vont top loin, ça serait je vais pas non plus prendre des cours... sans bac S c'est mort pour être chimiste?

Il n y a que 2 choses infinies : l espace et la connerie humaine, quoi que pour l espace j'ai un doute "Einstein"

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Inscrit le 19 Nov 2008
330 messages
Merci, c'est pas simple mais je comprends un mieux, je connaissais déjà  les termes dextrogyres et levrogyre...

Tu m as un peu perdu avec les cations mais le reste ça va...

C com a l école ils savent pas nous intéresser à  égaliser des équation d oxyde de fer.... Je regrette mes lacunes...

Du coup la différence entre le sulfate et le diacetyl morphine, c le même alcaloide mais pas le même sel?...

2 mollecules identique: 1 naturelle et l autre synthétisée au final il n y aura aucun différence à  l effet? Si elles sont orientées pareil?

Désolé j essaye de glaner des explications vers ma pharmacienne mais avec des moitié s de réponse...C pas idéales...J profite de ton savoir dont tu n es pas avare :)

Par contre en Indes mon ancien meilleurs pote y est allé 3 ou 4 fois avant que les liquides soient tous interdits en aé ramenait 4l et c'était de la ke pour Grand mammifère, le terme est peut être pas le bon terme, mais son plan à  Delhi, ne l a pas arnaqué....

Dernière modification par skpad (02 mars 2016 à  19:22)

Il n y a que 2 choses infinies : l espace et la connerie humaine, quoi que pour l espace j'ai un doute "Einstein"

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Inscrit le 13 Feb 2016
5107 messages
salut :)

juste un petit rappel de rdr pour la kétamine :
très dangereux de faire des mélange avec des downers comme l'alcool, le ghb, les barbituriques, les opiacés/opioïdes et les benzo

pour rajouter de l'eau au moulin :

à  propos des différences entre les kéta:

Most ketamine is racemic, i.e. it is composed of equal parts S/(+) and R/(-) ketamine. The (+) isomer of ketamine is more potent than the (-) isomer. It also seems that (+) ketamine would be superior as a psychedelic tool, for a number of reasons.
Some facts/differences worth noting:
In a study which used male adults, the amount of ketamine needed for total anaesthesia was ~271 mg (+) ketamine vs ~409 mg racemic ketamine. [1]
(+) ketamine is generally considered to be approx. 2-3 times more potent than (-) ketamine.[3]
(+) ketamine is cleared from the body in HALF the time it takes for racemic ketamine. The clearance of (-) ketamine takes only slightly longer than racemic ketamine.[1]
(-) ketamine significantly inhibits the clearance of (+) ketamine. This means that if you have pure (+) ketamine, after you come out of a k-hole, the aftereffects of the k will wear off more quickly than they would if you had done racemic ketamine.[1]
(+) ketamine inhibits the dopamine transporter 8 times more potently than (-) ketamine.[2]

However, application of S(+)-ketamine was associated with a remarkably smoother emergence period, a profound postoperative analgesia, a more rapid recovery of cerebral functions, and a greater preference by the study persons. The incidence of psychotomimetic phenomena appeared to be negligibly less after S(+)-ketamine in comparison to racemic ketamine, but their quality was described as far less unpleasant. Clinical use of S(+)-ketamine administered at one-half of the usual dose is thus not only associated with a reduction of undesirable adverse effects without altering ketamine's anaesthetic and analgesic potency, but also offers distinctive improvements due to the reduced drug load. Moreover, increasing experimental evidence supports a remarkable neuroprotective effect of S(+)-ketamine, which may become a promising drug for new therapeutic approaches to neuroprotection.[3]

It was found that (S)-ketamine binds with a 3-4 time higher affinity to the PCP binding site of the NMDA receptor than (R)-ketamine, and that at these concentrations (R)-ketamine interacts also weakly with the sigma receptor sites, where (S)-ketamine binds only negligibly....R)-ketamine did not produce psychotic symptoms, but a state of relaxation. The (S)-ketamine-induced metabolic hyperfrontality appears to parallel similar metabolic findings in acute psychotic schizophrenic patients and encourages further investigations of glutamatergic disturbances in schizophrenia.
This leads me to believe that the psychedelic effects of racemic ketamine are being produced by the (+) isomer. This would further lead me to conclude that pure (+) ketamine would be more psychedelic in its subjective effects -- as well as less sedating (as noted in the study). [4]
With sub-anaesthetic doses of ketamine in humans, 50% of the test subjects who took racemic ketamine experienced anterograde amnesia (could not remember portions of the k-experience) , while only 8% of those who took (+) ketamine experienced amnesia. This means that your ability to recall a ketamine trip would be greatly improved if you were taking pure (+) ketamine. [5]
Subjective mood was judged by the volunteers to be significantly better after S-(+)-ketamine, and volunteers found S-(+)-ketamine to be more acceptable than racemic ketamine. The frequency of dreams was the same after both drugs. No unpleasant dreams were reported after S-(+)-ketamine, but one of the volunteers who received racemic ketamine had uncomfortable dreams. It seems that (+) ketamine has a distinct positive vibe to it, unlike racemic ketamine which is more neutral (or even negative) in its psychological effects. [6]

voir notes dans le lien ci dessous … S-Ketamine

beaucoup de choses intéressantes à  lire smile, un excellent thread pour comparer les deux isomères

xorkoth a écrit

Although, there is a report on Erowid of a person who took a trip on the S isomer of ketamine alone, and reported that it was tremendously psychedelic, clearer, easier to remember, and easier on the body to come down. He preferred it over "normal" ketamine.

visiblement la kétamine S est plus claire et psychédelique.

If I recall correctly, the stereoisomer s-ketamine is supposed to be (apart from possible qualitative differences) twice as potent as r-ketamine. Which means that 75mg of s-ketamine should have about the potency of 100mg (my regular im-dose) of the racemic. This sounds right to me. 75mg would do a reliable job of taking me on vacation, maybe even more so than 100mg of the racemic would. With the racemic I'd sometimes (maybe 5%) experience a dud, a trip that wouldn't take off. In contrast, all of the s-trips I've had up to now met or surpassed my expectations...

Whereas the regular k-trip lasts about 45-60 minutes for me, it's only 30 minutes with the s-ketamine. However, these 30 minutes seem much longer than a regular k-trip! I know the feeling of 'back so soon?' after resurfacing from regular k, with the s-ket however I seem to be in the infinite place for much longer, and being aware of it. In a way it reminds me of taking ketamine with a booster like 2cb.

un trip report sur la kétamine S pure

Dernière modification par Viegroo Senior du turfu (02 mars 2016 à  20:32)

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