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Dernière modification par Dapak (07 octobre 2016 à 04:54)
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Dernière modification par SpaceLink (07 octobre 2016 à 21:38)
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Dernière modification par Evalyne (08 octobre 2016 à 05:19)
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Evalyne a écrit
Je te conseil de prendre un sachet d'aspégic nourrisson par jour.
L'ergot de seigle (base du LSD) a tendance à modifier la circulation sanguine, créer des spasmes des veines si mes connaissances sont exactes, et donc l’aspirine va fluidifier ton sang et faciliter la circulation... (tes crampes sont dues à un manque d’oxygénation de tes muscles).
Le 1P à lui seul ne peut pas être la cause de tes troubles et tu devrais t'inquiéter d'éventuels problèmes de coagulation.
c'est intéressant ce que tu dis, as tu quelques sources s'il te plaît ?
sinon coucou au membre pastafarien (link) , ça me rechauffe tjr le coeur d'en croiser un
Dernière modification par Viegroo Senior du turfu (08 octobre 2016 à 21:08)
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Viegroo Senior du turfu a écrit
sinon coucou au membre pastafarien (link) , ça me rechauffe tjr le coeur d'en croiser un
Coucou, je suis pas exactement un pastafarien, mais j'ai toujours trouvé l'idée hilarante. Je suis plutôt dudeiste en fait
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SpaceLink a écrit
(Je précise qu'avant le trip j'avais utilisé du poppers, un peu trop régulièrement: à chaque fois une sorte de coup de pied au coeur, rien de douloureux ou violent mais chose que j'avais jamais eue avant. Est ce que le combo vasodilatation et vasoconstriction le surlendemain a pu jouer un rôle? )
Mais depuis ce matin je commence à supposer que c'est la vasoconstriction causée par le 1p qui a du perdurer ou me causer quelque chose du genre.
Au niveau des effets secondaires du 1P-LSD, plusieurs témoignages sur le forum UK Chem.... signalent des symptômes de vasoconstriction:
Mk-ultra a écrit
the top of my right foot felt like pins and needles, but more concentrated if you get me. Also, I was feeling more of a prickly sensation down my left arm. I've heard that's pretty much vasoconstriction, although there weren't no pressure feeling. I've taken real L (i think) many times before without any of those symptoms. I can't really say for sure, but it really didn't feel like a distortion.
SacredSandal a écrit
I also had some strange sensations while on 1p. Like half my body sort of numbing and feeling slightly swollen. Very hard to tell if this really happened or it was just some strange tripping sensation...Yep, I can imagine my symptoms being anxiety related and they did seem to fade after some stretches and a change of setting. Although i've been way further out there on actual genuine L countless of times and never experienced this numbing of one side of the body.
Sur Bluelight:
BurnItUp a écrit
Last night I decided to take 50ug of 1P-LSD in the company of a friend who took the same dose.
At the end of the trip, when we were down-to the earth again and the effects were very subtle, we decided to resume the journey back home. We had been lying for the last five hours without moving too much, and it was a little chilly. During the couple kilometer walk separating the forest and the train station, I started to feel a numbing sensation in some parts of the feet. I attributed this to my altered perception, but seeing that the symptoms continued for 20 minutes, I took my shoes off to discover that the pinky finger on my left foot was white and very numb, and the same with the second toe of the right foot. This was confirmed by my friend, who said that the fingers looked kind of dead. I could not feel too much and they were very pale, translucent and not looking too alive. I got quite worried, and began to jump and try to move my fingers while massaging and giving heat with my hands. After 20 minutes things seemed to improve somewhat, they were not so white, but still looked quite bad. 20 minutes later I was at home with my feet in hot water, moving them to circulate blood, and colour was finally returning to all fingers.
I write this because as far as I know many ergot derivatives are strong vasoconstrictors. I also got reminded of the gangrenes related to other strong psychs such as bromo-dragonfly or NBOMe-phenethylamines.
I must also let you know that my travelling companion did not suffer any of my problems or discomfort at all.
If you notice symptoms of extreme vasoconstriction such as numbness in the limbs or discolouration of any part of your body, please move, jump and run to stimulate the circulation and put the affected area in very hot water. Ultimately, medical care should be looked for.
I don't want to raise any unnecessary alarms, but I think that if I had not been aware of the strong vasoconstriction in my feet as fast as I did, the outcome could have been much worse.
http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads/745 … st13140592
Et aussi dans un TR sur Erowid:
Mr Moran a écrit
There is a somewhat nice tingle in my body occasionally, but it feels okay. Nothing too much...
...I felt the need to go to the river and dip my feet in the water. For some reason, for the past few minutes before this, I felt a weird tingle in my left arm, as though my fingers were falling asleep, and this had me somewhat worried. I didn't want to feel like I was going to experience vasoconstriction and lose my hand or fingers, but they did feel like they were swelling. This went away shortly, however, and I felt fine again.
Donc ça semble plus courant qu'avec du LSD.
Maintenant, c'est sûr que le poppers avant n'a pas dû aider pour les sensations au niveau du cœur... Le poppers en lui-même est assez rude sur le système cardiovasculaire.
Ceci dit, c'est aussi possible que tes symptômes soient liés à l'anxiété...comme tout psychédélique, le 1p-lsd peut exacerber une angoisse sous-jacente. Si c'est le cas, comme le suggère Dapak, mieux vaut faire une pause avec cette catégorie de produits...
Dernière modification par Jhi-dou (11 octobre 2016 à 18:54)
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Cela reste à vérifier mais il semblerait que les dits désagréments soient plus intenses avec le 1p, hélas. Même si ça doit varier selon les individus.
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Dernière modification par Evalyne (13 octobre 2016 à 10:42)
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