Dernière modification par Yog-Sothoth (02 décembre 2016 à 16:02)
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As a result, we can draw the same conclusion as in the visual test of Fig. 1 that no degradation of MDA, MDMA and MDEA takes place when water, serum, whole blood and urine samples are stored at −20, 4 and 20°C, except for the complication that low concentration samples, more particular whole blood and serum sample, stored at room temperature for long periods (5 weeks for whole blood and 17 weeks for serum) could no longer be analyzed due to interference from matrix degradation (nnizzle note: this means that the solvent degraded before the MDMA). The same has to be concluded for low concentrated whole blood samples stored at 4°C for periods longer than 13 weeks. However, it is clear that the compounds themselves are very stable chemical entities, requiring no particular attention in a great variety of (bio-)chemical conditions.
The assays were used to determine some properties of MDMA and MDA. Both drugs were stable in aqueous 1 M HCl, and 1 M NaOH solutions at room temperature. The half-life for MDMA was 6.6 h and for MDA was 7.1 h under the extreme conditions of 90 degrees C and 6 M HCl. MDMA and MDA were highly stable for 28 h in plasma at 25 degrees and 39 degrees C. The concentrations of the drugs were unchanged in frozen plasma after 47 days.
Let the record be set straight:
MDMA is one of, if not the most stable recreational drug that exists. Phenethylamines in general are notoriously stable (especially as compared to tryptamines such as psilocybin, or other drugs such as LSD or beta-ketones) because of their low chemical reactivity. MDMA, even if sitting in a half-open baggie on your shelf, in the absence of extreme heat, humidity, etc. will last a lifetime. The same ideas also apply to MDA and MDEA as they have very similar structures, but not to MDMA analogues like bk-MDMA as a ketone introduces a more reactive (less stable) moiety to the molecule.
Regardless, this isn't the best way to store it. Almost any compound will begin to degrade if exposed to the elements for a long period of time. For this reason, MDMA will last the longest (that is, likely even longer than a lifetime) if kept in a cool, dry, dark place; in other words, it should not be stored in an environment which is constantly hot, damp, or bright (UV or incandescent light). Profoundly acidic or basic environments should also be avoided.
For example, it could be stored in a vacuum-sealed bag in a small box or amber vial of some sort, in a shelf in the closet, or perhaps even in the fridge if you feel so inclined. Although storing it in the freezer where moisture could seep in, or around food where mold or something else could do the same could be an issue if left for... 2 centuries.
It can be measured and put into gel capsules, but this is not a great method of storage - capsules are easily crushed, not really airtight, etc., but nevertheless still a viable option. Capsules (as well as capsule filling devices) can be found at headshops, online, supplement stores, herbal or healthfood stores, etc. 'Vegetarian capsules' (gelatin is made from the collagen, an animal protein) can affect absorption - they are often made from cellulose which is difficult for the mammalian body to break down.
It can be stored in honey, which is a good preservative for many things. The same rules about labelling solutions (explained further down) should be followed if it is mixed into any sort of edible substance.
It can be stored in (pure) water, alcohol, and a few other choice solvents. Tap water is not a good idea for long term storage as it can contain impurities that cause degradation. Distilled water is easy to find and very cheap. Keeping it in solution also allows for easy volumetric dosing.
Keep in mind that when storing in solution, depending on temperature, concentration of the solution, etc. (a lot of factors) sometimes MDMA can fall out. This means powder will come out of the solution and can often be seen with the naked eye as it usually will settle to the bottom of the container (although in some more viscous solvents e.g. propylene glycol, it may precipitate but remain suspended). As a rule, higher concentrations, colder temperatures, and length of storage are all directly proportional to the likelihood of precipitation. Even if you don't see visible signs of precipitation:
Pour conclure je vais te donner mon avis sur tes questions :
est ce que ça pose un problème de ne pas conserver ses ecsta dans un frigo ?
Je peux les laisser au fond de mon tiroir ?
non, si on ne fait pas une grosse erreur, pour cette molécule il faut vraiment le vouloir (vu qu'elle se conserve même très bien dans nos fluides lol..)..Quand bien même , la substance serait seulement partiellement inactive AMA.
Dernière modification par groovie (26 décembre 2016 à 14:48)
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Dernière modification par groovie (26 décembre 2016 à 17:39)
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groovie a écrit
bon le post date de 24jours mais je vais tenté de répondre à cette question car c'est pas la première fois que je la vois... or quand on se renseigne sur le sujet, tout cela semble un peu ridicule vu que la mdma se conserve mieux que nous ^^
Conservation des psychoactifs :
c'est toujours pareil ou presque ... en gros il faut que la température soit la plus constante possible (car certaines molécules sont "fragiles" ce qui n'est PAS le cas de la mdma) avec une préférence pour le froid - il faut éviter la chaleur (+25/35°c) + hygrométrie faible et constante..
ennemi n°1: moisissure dues à l'humidité / changement de température & condensation
ennemi n°2 : température trop chaude/froide = dégradation
donc les amis de la conservation pour les usager sont... on se croit au festival de canne...
nomination dans la catégorie conservation ...
1) les tubes de conservation avec dessicants type aspirine - (bravo!! applaudissements)
placer vos machins dedans et mettre le tube dans un endroit un peu frais si possible mais surtout sec...certaines zones n'ont peu ou pas d'écart de température, c'est bien.
Les tubes sont bien aussi car très peu d'air/humidité peu pénétrer dedans et quand bien même, l'humidité sera attrapée par les dessicants. SI vous avez de l'espace libre dans le tube, vous pouvez y placer encore plus de dessicants.. Attention toutefois à bien éviter tout contact entre dessicant/produits car c'est toxique, il faut toujours emballer vos produits
nomination dans la catégorie conservation à long terme...
2)le congélateur : pour la conservation très longue durée, c'est le top.
Température froide permettant une très faible hygrométrie contrairement au frigo , les dessiccateurs/gel silica se rempliront d'humidité très doucement.
Seul défaut : quand on sort / rentre le produit ... on passe de très froid à chaud.. il vaut mieux attendre une bonne demi heure avant d'ouvrir.
ma méthode : je mettais une boîte bien fermée au congélateur , dedans un sachet que je vidais de son air avant chaque rentrée dans le congélateur.. dans le sachet des dessicants et des tubes noté au marqueur indélébile.. dans les tubes d'aspirines les substances uniquement.
A propos de la MDMA :
C'est probablement l'une des molécules les plus stables et les plus résistantes dans l'univers des drogues. A.Shulgin disait à qui voulait l'entendre que si on avait trouvé de la mdma dans les tombes des anciens pharaons, celle ci serait encore (presque parfaitement) active.
Interview de shulgin sur cette substance : https://www.mdma.net/alexander-shulgin/mdma.html
Il avait probablement raison, des études scientifiques vont dans son sens
Celle ci est caucasse , on a testé la conservation de la mdma/mda/mdea dans de l'eau/serum/sang/urines à -20°C/4°C/20°C et qu'elles ont très bien réagis.As a result, we can draw the same conclusion as in the visual test of Fig. 1 that no degradation of MDA, MDMA and MDEA takes place when water, serum, whole blood and urine samples are stored at −20, 4 and 20°C, except for the complication that low concentration samples, more particular whole blood and serum sample, stored at room temperature for long periods (5 weeks for whole blood and 17 weeks for serum) could no longer be analyzed due to interference from matrix degradation (nnizzle note: this means that the solvent degraded before the MDMA). The same has to be concluded for low concentrated whole blood samples stored at 4°C for periods longer than 13 weeks. However, it is clear that the compounds themselves are very stable chemical entities, requiring no particular attention in a great variety of (bio-)chemical conditions.
The assays were used to determine some properties of MDMA and MDA. Both drugs were stable in aqueous 1 M HCl, and 1 M NaOH solutions at room temperature. The half-life for MDMA was 6.6 h and for MDA was 7.1 h under the extreme conditions of 90 degrees C and 6 M HCl. MDMA and MDA were highly stable for 28 h in plasma at 25 degrees and 39 degrees C. The concentrations of the drugs were unchanged in frozen plasma after 47 days.
Let the record be set straight:
MDMA is one of, if not the most stable recreational drug that exists. Phenethylamines in general are notoriously stable (especially as compared to tryptamines such as psilocybin, or other drugs such as LSD or beta-ketones) because of their low chemical reactivity. MDMA, even if sitting in a half-open baggie on your shelf, in the absence of extreme heat, humidity, etc. will last a lifetime. The same ideas also apply to MDA and MDEA as they have very similar structures, but not to MDMA analogues like bk-MDMA as a ketone introduces a more reactive (less stable) moiety to the molecule.
Regardless, this isn't the best way to store it. Almost any compound will begin to degrade if exposed to the elements for a long period of time. For this reason, MDMA will last the longest (that is, likely even longer than a lifetime) if kept in a cool, dry, dark place; in other words, it should not be stored in an environment which is constantly hot, damp, or bright (UV or incandescent light). Profoundly acidic or basic environments should also be avoided.
For example, it could be stored in a vacuum-sealed bag in a small box or amber vial of some sort, in a shelf in the closet, or perhaps even in the fridge if you feel so inclined. Although storing it in the freezer where moisture could seep in, or around food where mold or something else could do the same could be an issue if left for... 2 centuries.
It can be measured and put into gel capsules, but this is not a great method of storage - capsules are easily crushed, not really airtight, etc., but nevertheless still a viable option. Capsules (as well as capsule filling devices) can be found at headshops, online, supplement stores, herbal or healthfood stores, etc. 'Vegetarian capsules' (gelatin is made from the collagen, an animal protein) can affect absorption - they are often made from cellulose which is difficult for the mammalian body to break down.
It can be stored in honey, which is a good preservative for many things. The same rules about labelling solutions (explained further down) should be followed if it is mixed into any sort of edible substance.
It can be stored in (pure) water, alcohol, and a few other choice solvents. Tap water is not a good idea for long term storage as it can contain impurities that cause degradation. Distilled water is easy to find and very cheap. Keeping it in solution also allows for easy volumetric dosing.
Keep in mind that when storing in solution, depending on temperature, concentration of the solution, etc. (a lot of factors) sometimes MDMA can fall out. This means powder will come out of the solution and can often be seen with the naked eye as it usually will settle to the bottom of the container (although in some more viscous solvents e.g. propylene glycol, it may precipitate but remain suspended). As a rule, higher concentrations, colder temperatures, and length of storage are all directly proportional to the likelihood of precipitation. Even if you don't see visible signs of precipitation:https://drugs-forum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=149783
Pour conclure je vais te donner mon avis sur tes questions :est ce que ça pose un problème de ne pas conserver ses ecsta dans un frigo ?
Je peux les laisser au fond de mon tiroir ?
non, si on ne fait pas une grosse erreur, pour cette molécule il faut vraiment le vouloir (vu qu'elle se conserve même très bien dans nos fluides lol..)..Quand bien même , la substance serait seulement partiellement inactive AMA.
Bon déja saluttt tout le monde, et VRAIMENT VRAIMENT désoler de déterrer la convo.. mais j'ai l'impression ayeur les gens son pas trop sûr de la meilleur méthode de la conservation de la MDMA.
Groovie tu dit faut pas elle sois dans une trop grosse chaleur/froidt'aurai une idée de la température maximum pour le congélateur. Je m'explique ici cher moi jais un mini frigo mais il n'a pas de congélateur dedans donc dans mon sous-sol jais un gros congélateur mais quoi je crois il gèle autan qu'un "normal" ma question est, Il a un risque pour la molécule de ma mdma... si ses trop froid si oui les qu'elle et qu'elle température/froid je dois mettre
PS* je n'est pas en ma possesion de tube aspirine seulement un pot hermetique et des ziploc.....
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