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Dernière modification par Snap2 (28 février 2018 à 22:56)
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Brash Candicoot a écrit
The coca plant has few insect enemies because it is a natural insecticide. These are probably entomology bred at some govt. lab and released intentionally on known addicts for a variety of possible reasons. Tests on subjects reveal their existence including trapping a few specimens in liquid filled containers providing physical evidence. No known method of pest removal will kill or get rid of them, as they are extremely resilient. They demonstrate phenomenal, almost supernatural capabilities, such the speed they move at and the ability to jump several feet. Several subjects abstained for as much as a decade or more and when relapsed found they were merely dormant for that period. Apparently the parasite enters and exits the body at the base of hair shafts, attaches to an internal blood source and reacts when exposed to cocaine. The larger the dose, the more intensely they react. There is a proven and so far single method of destroying the victim's infestation. An MRI. Why this is effective is still not known. Tests on previously infested subjects post-MRI are completely negative. A few specimens can produce a massive infestation in a matter of weeks, contingent upon how frequently the subject used cocaine and the doses involved. There is no other symptom of their existence when in a dormant mode ie when cocaine is not being introduced.
Methadrine use does not induce these parasites. More likely, those subjects are indeed experiencing a psychosomatic reaction.
Subjects and demonstrations have determined that when the parasite is exposed to cocaine in large doses, the insect will attempt to get away from the poisen and disengage from their blood source, climb out of a hair shaft, vomit the cocaine, which subjects report as sudden cold spots on the body, then move at almost unbelievable speed up (always in an upward direction) the body to find new ground. Almost all will jump off the host or run out through the extremities for several minutes because reattaching to the host is not possible at this point due to the host still having cocaine in his blood stream. Once outside the body, they exhibit several interesting behaviors. They prefer darkness, seem to have heat sensing, possess extraordinary vision in the light and are attracted to movement. They will then either jump from a wall or ceiling, pictures, curtains etc, or travel at phenominal speeds across a surface to get to that movement ie a host. Lots of them get "lost" and run to places where they wait for movement. Trapped specimens in 90% isopropyl alcohol were not affected and seemed to create a protective bubble around themselves and were quickly drawn to a fingertip pressed against the container. Subjects report no itching and cannot feel them enter the body but also report trapping a specimen between a thumb and forefinger will produce a nasty bite- probably a defense mechanism. As a result of the lack other indications or symptoms, or other characteristics of known parasites, these insects will elude detection from medical resources and make the victim sound like a lunatic. Specimens have been found to be as large as flea and have a pink tinge due to their source of food. A great deal of disinformation has been spread to cover up the existence of the obviously clandestine and covert effort to create and distribute these man-made parasites. Mostly from web sites like this one where victims are led to believe they are imagining such things.
Lol ben merci la science, je suis écroulée de rire
Contente que tu sois revenu dans notre dimension en tout cas !
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"Le lévamisole est un anthelminthique, ce qui signifie qu'il peut être utilisé pour tuer les vers parasites. Le médicament était utilisé autrefois pour vermifuger les humains et les animaux, mais depuis que des scientifiques ont démontré que son usage provoquait une agranulocytose (un grave appauvrissement de globules blancs, laissant le corps vulnérable à une infection), il est désormais utilisé pour traiter les bovins infestés de vers. En plus d'être un vermifuge fréquemment utilisé pour traiter les vaches, il est devenu un adultérant très populaire pour couper la cocaïne"
Il y a peu être un lien avec ce que tu décris...
Franchement ça me paraît hautement improbable.
Même avec du lévamisole je vois pas comment il est biologiquement possible que des petits pucerons blancs visibles à l'oeil nu apparaissent spontanément dans ton corps pour s'y balader joyeusement de haut en bas (???) et terminent leur petite escapade en s'éjectant de ton organisme par les pores de ton scalp pour aller se cacher dans les recoins sombres de ton appartement.
D'autant plus que le ton absolument pas scientifique et gentiment conspirationniste du texte ne laisse pas vraiment de place au doute.
J'attends d'autres sources cela dit car cette histoire m'intrigue.
EDIT : J'ai fait deux trois recherches et les seules personnes qui en parlent ont l'air en plein épisode psychotique façon CIA et complot mondial.
Dernière modification par Gaeshea (02 mars 2018 à 17:15)
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Dernière modification par Anonyme 218797 (29 avril 2019 à 20:04)
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