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alexsunny123 a écrit
I'm writing this little message to get some info
What is for you the sniff substance which is the strongest at equivalent dose.
I think you're on the wrong forum, this one is a french-speaking forum, go search on reddit, bluelight, or any forum that is globally in english.
But even on the whole internet you will have a lot of difficulties to find a research chemicals molecule that is available (at least legally) on the internet and who is a decent substitute to heroin, eventually if you find an amphetamine/cathinone that you prefer to cocaine, and that's not uncommon for those who tested RC amphetamines to prefer one of the amphetamines to cacaine/crack, but this is generally after testing many molecules, personally it didn't take long, but many people didn't find a molecule better or at least as good as coke.
And for the heroin you can absolutely give up, 95% of the RC opioids available on the clearweb actually are crappy fentanyl analogues that didn't produces many euphoric effects and who are reputed to be absolutely awful at the withdrawal and at the comedowns.
The 5% that are not fentanalogues are things like w-18, but that's not too far from the effects of fentanalogues, according to xhat I read on this molecule, they are tramadol derivates or kratom-alcaloids derivates, so we are faaaar from heroin effects, or they are very crappy U47700 derivates too, like that are very weak mu opiate agonists, and it possesses many creepy side effects like delirium and severe toxicity and corrosiveness and any of the reports I seen was satisfied, all of them was absolutely disappointed or even revolted that we sold them such a dangerous thing (even if that's to the buyer to take all the risks of putting an unknown and potentially very dangerous substance in his body)
Dernière modification par L'Apoticaire (09 janvier 2021 à 04:24)
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L'Apoticaire a écrit
alexsunny123 a écrit
I'm writing this little message to get some info
What is for you the sniff substance which is the strongest at equivalent dose.
alexsunnyI think you're on the wrong forum, this one is a french-speaking forum, go search on reddit, bluelight, or any forum that is globally in english.
But even on the whole internet you will have a lot of difficulties to find a research chemicals molecule that is available (at least legally) on the internet and who is a decent substitute to heroin, eventually if you find an amphetamine/cathinone that you prefer to cocaine, and that's not uncommon for those who tested RC amphetamines to prefer one of the amphetamines to cacaine/crack, but this is generally after testing many molecules, personally it didn't take long, but many people didn't find a molecule better or at least as good as coke.
And for the heroin you can absolutely give up, 95% of the RC opioids available on the clearweb actually are crappy fentanyl analogues that didn't produces many euphoric effects and who are reputed to be absolutely awful at the withdrawal and at the comedowns.
The 5% that are not fentanalogues are things like w-18, but that's not too far from the effects of fentanalogues, according to xhat I read on this molecule, they are tramadol derivates or kratom-alcaloids derivates, so we are faaaar from heroin effects, or they are very crappy U47700 derivates too, like that are very weak mu opiate agonists, and it possesses many creepy side effects like delirium and severe toxicity and corrosiveness and any of the reports I seen was satisfied, all of them was absolutely disappointed or even revolted that we sold them such a dangerous thing (even if that's to the buyer to take all the risks of putting an unknown and potentially very dangerous substance in his body)
t'aurais du lire l'autre message quil avait publié l'apo
idem, petit message corut en anglai
vu que c'était le premier j'avais répondu comme toi
donc là à ce deuxième message on sait que c'est un BOT , je ban;
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