Pour l'effet du
cannabis lui même difficile de répondre mais voici quelques références. Le dernier article précise que fumer du
tabac et/ou du
cannabis (en fait contrairement au titre aucun renseignement sur le
cannabis mais comme il est généralement associé au
tabac...) diminue le taux d'olanzapine (zyprexa) et constitue donc un risque de surdosage relatif en cas de
sevrage. Donc l'interaction sur le système enzymatique pourrait expliquer une partie de tes pbs.= diminution du taux d'olanzapine donc indirectement sensation "d'éveil" (??).
L'interaction principale est surtout l'augmentation des effets négatifs de l'olanzapine (vertiges, somnolence, hypotension). voir traduction dans ref 1.
http://www.herbs2000.com/medica/olanzapine.htmPossible interactions
Like in the instance of using any new drug, even using the prescription drug olanzapine may interact with certain other medication, including herbal products, vitamins and/ or minerals and, therefore, you ought to be careful not to use them in combination. For instance when people taking olanzapine use herbs like ma huang or kola it may cause undesirable stimulation of the central nervous system. As a result, this medication should not be taken concurrently with these herbs. As a portion of the manner in which ginseng functions is likely to be as a MAO inhibitor, it is advisable not to use ginseng in conjunction with olanzapine. Similarly,
kava kava and valerian too may interact with olanzapine and aggravate one of the side effects of the medication - drowsiness.
People taking the prescription drug olanzapine should completely avoid taking alcoholic beverages. In addition, some beverages, such as grapefruit juice, may lessen the metabolism of this medication and result in toxicity. Therefore, avoid drinking grapefruit juice while you are taking olanzapine. It may be noted here that people who smoke tobacco actually remove this medication from their body 40 per cent more rapidly in comparison to those who do not smoke.
People taking olanzapine should avoid smoking marijuana, since smoking marijuana may increase the state of drowsiness among the patients. In addition, smoking marijuana may also enhance the risk of sudden potential psychoses (any acute state of mental disorder, such as schizophrenia or paranoia), heighten orthostatic hypotension (a condition wherein the blood pressure drops when the patient stands up quickly, leaving a dizzy or lightheaded feeling) and even baffle the interpretation of mental condition as well as response to the medication.traduction== les personnes qui prennent de l'olanzapine devraient éviter de fumer de la marijuana parce que cela augmente l'état de somnolence. De plus, fumer de la marijuana augmente le risque de décompensation psychotique aigue, augmente l'hypotension orthostatique (quand le patient se lève brusquement entrainant vertige et sensation de tête légère) et obscurcit l'interpretation de l'état psychique et de l'effet du traitement.People who take olanzapine should not expose themselves to excessive heat since this medication may result in problems in controlling body temperature or the basic temperature homeostasis (a condition of mental equilibrium attained when stress or a drive is lessened or eliminated). When such individuals are working or are often exposed to hot environment, they ought to be careful to replace sufficient amount of fluids to steer clear of dehydration In addition, patients taking the prescription drug olanzapine should avoid strenuous exercises or exertion, as this medication has the potential to result in problems in regulating body temperature. Hence, it is important for them to adopt sufficient precautions in this regard.
http://www.ehealthme.com/drug_interacti … ne-2573469http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dan … 91ee7f.pdf
Dernière modification par prescripteur (06 décembre 2015 à 11:17)