Salut et bienvenue !
Pour toutes tes questions, tu peux consulter la page sur les champignons de psychoactif … 9moignagesJ'ai maintenant envie de passer le cap des psychédéliques en commençant par les champignons car plusieurs de mes amis en ont pris et m'ont témoigné de l'aide psychologique que cela leur avait apporté : dès le premier voyage tous m'ont dis s'être senti incroyablement et durablement mieux dans leur peau, dans leur vie. Vu que je suis d'une nature plutôt anxieuse et dépressive je me suis dis que ce pourrait être quelque chose à tenter.
Et ça peut aussi faire beaucoup de mal , les psychédéliques ! Méfiance ! Surtout si on a une nature anxieuse.
Pour réduire les risques: un accompagnateur sobre, dans la pièce a coté ou autre. Eventuellement un benzo ou quelqu'un capable de te rassurer.
Mais est ce vraiment fait pour toi?
je cite
Principalement à la suite de mauvaises expériences avec l'herbe : consommateur pourtant régulier j'ai un jour très mal tourné, et me suis retrouvé nu dans la grange d'un pote à la campagne, incapable de me gérer, à vomir pendant un temps interminable et à sentir le monde entier m'écraser pendant plusieurs heures... Expérience vraiment horrible qui m'a décidé à mettre une fin à toutes mes consommations, et je ne m'en sens que mieux à vrai dire.
tu sembles être plutôt vulnérable. Attention aux dosages si tu passes à l'acte :)
Les champignons sont peu toxiques mais tu peux faire un "bad" et avoir une sorte de trauma plus ou moins long (depersonnalisation, déréalisation, hppd, etc) donc il faut vraiment avoir un bon set and setting et y aller doucement :) … davis.html
J'aimerais donc avoir vos conseils sur quel champignon consommer, quelle dose et comment afin d'avoir un voyage tranquille pour une première fois, mais surtout les effets que l'on m'a rapporter sur le psychologique. Combien de temps dure un trip aussi, j'ai trouvé beaucoup d'informations variées et contradictoires.
Tous les champignons dédiés au trip, tu comptes en acheter ou en cultiver? ou en récolter par terre?
Niveau pharmacologie, c'est des tryptamines, 4-HO-DMT qui stimule tes synapses 
pour les dosages :
erowid a écrit
Oral P. cubensis Dosages
Threshold .25 g 1/100 oz
Light .25 - 1 g 1/100 - 1/28oz
Common 1 - 2.5 g 1/28 - 1/10oz
Strong 2.5 - 5 g 1/10 - 1/6oz
Heavy 5 + g 1/6oz +
Onset : 10 - 40 minutes (when chewed and held in mouth)
Onset : 20 - 60 minutes (when swallowed on empty stomach)
Duration : 2 - 6 hours
Normal After Effects : up to 8 hours
Pour les effets : … oms&_=
Spontaneous physical sensations - The "body high" of psilocybin can be described as a pleasurable, soft and all-encompassing tingling sensation or glow. This maintains a consistent presence that steadily rises with the onset and hits its limit once the peak has been reached. Once the peak of the experience or sensation is reached it can feel incredibly euphoric and tranquil or heavy and immobilizing depending on the dose.
Physical euphoria
Sedation - In terms of its effects on the physical energy levels of the tripper, psilocybin is considered by most to be relaxing, stoning and mildly sedating. This sense of sedation is often accompanied by compulsive yawning.
Perception of bodily heaviness- This effect corresponds with the general sense of sedation and relaxation that characterizes psilocybin experiences, this manifests as a bodily heaviness that discourages movement but is typically only prominent during the first half of the trip. This particular physical effect seems to be more commonly experienced and pronounced with certain “woodlover” species of mushrooms such as Psilocybe azurescens.[citation needed]
Tactile enhancement - This effect is less prominent than with that of LSD or 2C-B but is still present and unique in its character. It is repeatedly described as feeling very primitive in its nature often times with the small hairs on the user's arms or legs feeling slightly itchy or even ticklish against the skin.
Brain zaps - Although this effect is very rare, it can still occur for those susceptible to it. This component is however much less common and intense than it is with serotonin releasing agents such as MDMA.
Changes in felt bodily form - This effect is often accompanied by a sense of warmth or unity and usually occurs around the peak of the experience or directly after. Users can feel as if they are physically part of or conjoined with other objects. This is usually reported as feeling comfortable in its sensations and even peaceful.
Nausea - This effect can be greatly lessened or even completely avoided if the individual has an empty stomach prior to ingestion. It is often recommended that one either refrain from eating for approximately 6 to 8 hours beforehand, or eat a light meal 3 to 4 hours before if they are feeling physically fatigued.
Changes in gravity
Excessive yawning - This effect seems to be uniquely pronounced among psilocybin and related tryptamines. It can occur to a lesser degree on LSD and very rarely on psychedelic phenethylamines like mescaline. It typically occurs in combination with watery eyes.
Watery eyes
Frequent urination
Muscle contractions
Olfactory hallucinations
Pupil dilation
Runny nose
Seizure - This is a very rare effect but can happen in those predisposed to them, especially while in physically taxing conditions such as being dehydrated, fatigued or undernourished.
Cognitive effects
The cognitive effects of psilocybin are described by many as extremely relaxing, profound and stoning in style when compared to other commonly used psychedelics such as LSD or 2C-B which tend to be energetic and stimulating, it is also regarded as being significantly less clearheaded than other commonly used tryptamines such as DMT and ayahuasca. It contains a large number of psychedelic typical and unique cognitive effects.
The most prominent of these typical effects generally include:
Emotion enhancement - This effect can be described as being more prominent, consistent and profound when compared to other traditional psychedelics such as mescaline or LSD. This can lead to strong feelings of compassion, urgency and even completely sporadic moments of intense emotional significance that can also be periodically affected by enhancement and suppression cycles.
Empathy, love, and sociability enhancement - This effect differs from MDMA and other entactogens in that it isn't as central to the experience, feels less forced and more natural and is experienced at a less consistent rate. The sociability enhancement in particular only occurs rarely and it appears to be more emotional.
Language suppression - This effect can be described as a perceived inability or general unwillingness to talk aloud despite feeling perfectly capable of formulating coherent thoughts within one's internal narrative. It is much more common among inexperienced users.
Analysis enhancement - This effect is consistent in its manifestation and outrospection dominant.
Enhancement and suppression cycles - This can be described as constant waves of extremely stimulated and profound thinking which are spontaneously surpassed in a cyclic fashion by waves of general thought suppression and mental intoxication. These two states seem to switch between each other in a consistent loop once every 20 to 60 minutes.
Feelings of impending doom - This effect is usually only experienced during the come up phase but typically completely passes or subsides once the primary effects begin. It should be noted that this effect is relatively consistent and normal for psilocybin and related tryptamines which is why a positive and well-informed mindset is key. Less regularly this aspect can also occur during the peak but will most often be met afterwards with sensations of euphoria, catharsis or rejuvenation.
Cognitive euphoria
Subconscious communication
Perceived exposure to inner mechanics of consciousness
Conceptual thinking
Thought connectivity
Thought deceleration
Thought organization
Confusion - This effect occurs at a higher rate than other psychedelics such as LSD or DMT. It is more commonly observed in users who are inexperienced with psilocybin, or psychedelics in general
Novelty enhancement
Creativity enhancement
Déjà vu
Increased music appreciation
Immersion enhancement
Memory enhancement
Memory suppression
Ego death
Simultaneous emotions
Personal bias suppression
Ego replacement - Although this effect is rare and more likely to occur with certain psychedelics like DMT or ayahuasca, it can still spontaneously occur, usually with higher doses.
Personality regression - Although this effect is rare it can still manifest spontaneously and is thought to depend primarily on the user's set and setting.
Rejuvenation - While this component can occur spontaneously at any point, it typically follows a difficult phase of the experience, if not the entire experience itself. It is however almost always felt during the offset of a psilocybin trip and tends to slowly transition into the after effects which are generally described as positive. These positive or mindful after effects are sometimes referred to as an "afterglow" and is both common and consistent for psilocybin and related tryptamines.
Addiction suppression[10]
Time distortion
Visual effects
Colour enhancement - Relative to other psychedelics, this effect may appear to be more saturated.
Pattern recognition enhancement
Visual acuity enhancement - This effect typically occurs prominently at lower doses and becomes increasingly suppressed as one raises the dose.
Drifting (melting, flowing, breathing and morphing) - In comparison to other psychedelics, this effect can be described as highly detailed, realistic, slow and smooth in motion and static in appearance.
Colour shifting
Colour tinting
Visual haze
After images
Symmetrical texture repetition
Perspective distortions
Depth perception distortions
Environmental orbism
Scenery slicing
D'après mes renseignements un quart de grammes serait le seuil minimal, mais cela est-il suffisant ?
Suffisant pour quoi?
Oui bien entendu il faut commencer doucement ! voir comment tu réagis au produit
Ne crois pas que les champignons sont des produits miraculeux ! C'est à toi de faire le travaille en amont, pendant, après. C'est comme ça qu'un être humain peut éventuellement travailler sur soi avec cet outil. C'est un chemin (empoisonné ) parmis d'autre , tu peux faire ça sans drogue si tu le souhaites 
Enfin comme je l'ai dit en début de post, même si les champis ne sont pas toxiques, ingérer des psychédéliques peut t'apporter des choses positives mais aussi négatives :)
Dernière modification par groovie (09 juin 2017 à 03:24)
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